Beautiful Trails surrounding Jakeman’s Gift Shop

Jakeman’s is proud to be so close to Trillium Woods Trail! Check out Ontario Nature Trails with all the information you might need about the trail.
You will find a large variety of plants and greenery on the Jakeman’s property and within the Trillium Woods. While in the woods keep your eyes out for all the local greenery including:
“This forest has a lot of white trilliums. You may also find the blue-gray gnatcatcher, mourning cloak butterfly, and orange mycona fungus.
Trees that have been labelled include American Beech, Red Oak, White Ash, Red Maple, Black Cherry, Sugar Maple, Basswood, and Bitternut Hickory.”
Once you are done exploring the woods don’t forget to stop by for some amazing local maple syrup!
The gift shop is open Monday to Friday from 9:00 am – 4:30 pm, and Saturday from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.